Tuesday, August 6, 2013

38 things to do while 38

Upon turning 38 I decided I would set out to do 38 things I had either never done before or had not done in a very long time. This little exercise is intended to both challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone a bit and to actually do some things I have always wanted to do but havent got around to yet. In no particular order here are the 38 things I want to do while I am 38 years old:

1. Summit Mt. Hood
2. Try eating grasshoppers
3. Read 12 books
4. Go skinny dipping
5. Run a marathon
6. Meditate twice a week
7. See Crater Lake
8. Get 4 bers and 3 friends and ride one of those silly 4 person bikes
   on the waterfront.
9. Average 8 hours of sleep per night
10. Do 100 pushups in 5 min
11. Have sex in a public bathroom
12. Visit Barcelona
13. Learn Spanish
14. Eat nothing but homemade food for 7 days straight
15. Go to the Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, OR
16. Run 500 miles
17. Have 52 zero dollar days
18. Get promoted (or get a new job)
19. Kayak 250 miles
20. Go to a nude beach
21. See a Broadway musical that I have never seen before
22. Get season tickets for the Portland Timbers
23. Kayak from John's Landing to St. John's
24. Write 10 poems
25. Go to the horse races
26. Do shrooms
27. Visit St. Louis
28. Try Windsurfing in Hood River
29. Take a river tour on the Portland Spirit
30. See Pearl Jam in concert
31. Learn to brew beer
32. Visit Coos Bay
33. Try cross-country skiing
34. Try 100 different beers
35. Visit a city that I have never even heard of
36. Do an unassisted handstand
37. Learn to surf
38. Get a tattoo

Friday, June 22, 2012

flying on an airplane alone at 5 AM

I miss touching your hair
and kissing your forehead.
I miss the feel of you by my side
warmly pressed against me.
I miss the way I feel
when I look at you, unnoticed.
Without warning
hurtling through the morning darkness
I miss you.

Friday, May 4, 2012


I fell into another city
familiar and unknown
dark, tired, my unease
lingering but not shown

rounding the corner
the reason I am here
her silhouetted form
chases away my fear

eyes meet, we touch
a sudden flash, the rush
of a gentle explosion
my face warms in a flush

unexpected joy
the drugs are kicking in
the world waves goodbye
euphoria begins

I am a merry drunken fool
stumbling in the street
blurry ground beneath
my laughing dancing feet

passing strangers smile
amused and entertained
infected by my mirth
that cannot be contained

suspicious of my senses
I soon begin to feel
perhaps the lovely angel
holding my hand is real

and realize this feeling
consuming all of me
is no ordinary drug
but just one hit of E

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Our eyes met
in a crowd
through darkness
writhing bodies
loud music.
Hers bright
with youth
not innocence
but vitality
Perhaps our height
drew our gaze together
something else.

Over the wailing guitar
only a handful of words
but volumes
She slid in front of me
moving to the music
gently pushing back
into me
lightly touched my hand
moving it
to her hip
I pulled her in
The nape of her neck
filling my nose
with her scent
her skin smooth
on my lips.

by cheap beer
and each other
we fell together
like familiar lovers.
the music
our friends
faded into the background
as we became aware
of nothing
but the present.

I unwrapped her delicate form
its beauty shining
even in the darkness
of my room
experienced it
in awe
as if an artist
had just revealed
their most sacred work.
I lavished adoration
with hands

wrapped in each other
into sleep
I implore her
embrace your youth
in your beauty
use it
without hesitation
or guilt
appreciate that
like this moment
it is perfect
cannot last.

Monday, March 5, 2012


I awake suddenly to a new day
the world at my feet
I squint at the bright sun
of the future
bask in the warm glow
of the present

I find little more alluring
than potential
The siren's song of the unkown
calls out to me
begging to be known

I flush at the prospect
of a new city
exploding with endless possibilities
each more amazing
than the last

I find no solace
in knowing tomorrow
no comfort in safety
but feel fulfilled
discovering the undiscovered
answering the question
what's next?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I sit
in Paradise
warm wind
across my crimsoning skin
sound of waves
on the perfect beach
rhythmically massaging
my soul

And still
I think of you
and somehow feel
even more so.
Surrounded by barely clothed
beautiful women
I don't forget you
but instead
think of you more
wish that you were here
in their place
I would gladly trade them all
for you
to be here
laying in the warm sun
smiling at me.

Blind sided
by this feeling
I barely know you
but I know
sets you apart
makes me not
want to look
makes me smile
thinking of you.

I could be wrong
about all of this
the path may lead
to nowhere
just as before.
But I can't
be afraid
I have to try
to know.
Though it could
break my heart
it could be

Thursday, February 10, 2011

You could be dead tomorrow

You could be dead tomorrow
I repeat this mantra
because I need to remember

I need to remember
the feeling that can only be known
when one tastes the
the cold cruelness
of imminent death
yet still lives

The first time
I felt it
at the icy steel end
of a shotgun barrel
like a flash
my fragile mortality
laid bare before me

But it was too fast
too traumatic
the memory
too painful
I could not remember

The second came slowly
like a death row inmate
desperately awaiting a pardon
for what seemed a lifetime
it arrived
not from a governor
but from cancer

And I remember
the feeling
was the same
as before

The feeling where
you realize
nothing else matters
but this moment
that the past no longer exists
and the future may never

The fear
of anything
melts away
Blood rushes back into
your soul
white hot
and fierce

Your senses explode
into sharp focus
as the world opens up its secrets
and everything
yours for the taking

It is at this moment
you know
you feel
with every aspect of your being
what it means
to be alive

You could be dead tomorrow
I need to remember
to stay alive

Monday, January 24, 2011

Next to you

I lay in your bed
awake before you
your head gently cradled
in my arm
as you lay next to me.
My eyes trace the profile
of your generous curves
moving from your dark lovely locks
along the nape of your neck
up to the soft white peak
of your small shoulder
down to the luscious valley
of your waist
lingering briefly
before eagerly sliding up
to the beckoning round fullness
of your hip
and finally falling down
the length of your leg.
I think of a million reasons
I shouldn't be here
with you
of all the differences
the seemingly vast chasm
our souls
I wonder
what you see in me
when you know so little
of me
I imagine that you see
all that you found good
in every former lover
and none of what you found bad
and I know that you are wrong.
Then I remember
as I wrap myself around you
pulling you close
All of these thoughts mean nothing
as I cant deny
how I feel
waking up
when you're next to me
as if nothing else
even existed
let alone mattered
there is only
and now
this beautiful

Friday, January 21, 2011

Wonder Full

I sit defeated by this busy day
The computer monitor is sharp
It is breaktime though
I pull out a grapefruit
Break the skin
Drift into it's citrus scent
Close my eyes
And see your smile

My lips curl in return
I open my eyes
Lean back in my chair
Peeling the fruit slowly
The brush of my hand against yours
The shiver it granted you
As you looked up

Eyes shut
Our fingers slid between each other's
Easily finding their place
Hands held loosely; together
As we walked
A feeling washed over us both
So subtle but so felt
I couldn't even hear
What you said

Reality creeps back in
My eyes open reluctantly
And I stare at the shapes on my monitor
I look down at my empty hand
What you are doing
And thinking
And wearing

A slice of cool fruit
Against my lips
Biting into it
The tang is awash in my mouth
I sigh in delight
As it brings me back to you
And that first brush
Against your lips
So soft
So warm

The tingle that rushed over me
Tasting your kiss
That first time
Arresting my senses
Penetratingly sharp
Like the flooding
Bite of citrus
That makes me stop now
And savor

~TigressSky and Jeremy Tucker~

Thursday, January 20, 2011


My eyes open
whiskey's footprints
on my brain
dully aching
tell tale signs
of a night
well spent
The shapes around me
through blurry
into focus
I see you
lying next to me
a perfectly shaped
greek sculpture
I feel you
lying warmly
in my arms
The room
though dimly lit
by the rainy morning
made brighter
by your presence
The sheet
barely drapes across
your flawless naked form
In that moment
I am overwhelmed
and feel as though
nothing has ever been
more beautiful
Then a subtle sadness
seeps in
as I realize
that despite your beauty
affecting every interaction
of your life
for good
and bad
you have no idea
how beautiful
you really are
and could be

Thursday, January 6, 2011

She & I

she and I
I and she
am I her
or am I me
is she she
or is she me
her and I
as one
her nor me
equal parts
I and she
we are

Monday, December 27, 2010

We all want something beautiful

We all want something beautiful
Someone who
at a dinner party
years after you first fell in love
catches your eye
from across the room
while you are in the middle of a conversation
about the current presidential administration
makes you pause
excuse yourself
walk over to her
and whisper in her ear
"My god, you are beautiful"
and mean it
And she knows
feels even
that you do.

New Girl

A painting hangs
far across the room
out of focus
radiating beauty
The blank spaces
filled in
with hope and desire
But with each step closer
each stone turned
the undiscovered
The page is gradually
written over
by the harsh poet
of reality
And the shiny
tastes bitter
when finally