Tuesday, August 6, 2013

38 things to do while 38

Upon turning 38 I decided I would set out to do 38 things I had either never done before or had not done in a very long time. This little exercise is intended to both challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone a bit and to actually do some things I have always wanted to do but havent got around to yet. In no particular order here are the 38 things I want to do while I am 38 years old:

1. Summit Mt. Hood
2. Try eating grasshoppers
3. Read 12 books
4. Go skinny dipping
5. Run a marathon
6. Meditate twice a week
7. See Crater Lake
8. Get 4 bers and 3 friends and ride one of those silly 4 person bikes
   on the waterfront.
9. Average 8 hours of sleep per night
10. Do 100 pushups in 5 min
11. Have sex in a public bathroom
12. Visit Barcelona
13. Learn Spanish
14. Eat nothing but homemade food for 7 days straight
15. Go to the Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, OR
16. Run 500 miles
17. Have 52 zero dollar days
18. Get promoted (or get a new job)
19. Kayak 250 miles
20. Go to a nude beach
21. See a Broadway musical that I have never seen before
22. Get season tickets for the Portland Timbers
23. Kayak from John's Landing to St. John's
24. Write 10 poems
25. Go to the horse races
26. Do shrooms
27. Visit St. Louis
28. Try Windsurfing in Hood River
29. Take a river tour on the Portland Spirit
30. See Pearl Jam in concert
31. Learn to brew beer
32. Visit Coos Bay
33. Try cross-country skiing
34. Try 100 different beers
35. Visit a city that I have never even heard of
36. Do an unassisted handstand
37. Learn to surf
38. Get a tattoo

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