Friday, January 21, 2011

Wonder Full

I sit defeated by this busy day
The computer monitor is sharp
It is breaktime though
I pull out a grapefruit
Break the skin
Drift into it's citrus scent
Close my eyes
And see your smile

My lips curl in return
I open my eyes
Lean back in my chair
Peeling the fruit slowly
The brush of my hand against yours
The shiver it granted you
As you looked up

Eyes shut
Our fingers slid between each other's
Easily finding their place
Hands held loosely; together
As we walked
A feeling washed over us both
So subtle but so felt
I couldn't even hear
What you said

Reality creeps back in
My eyes open reluctantly
And I stare at the shapes on my monitor
I look down at my empty hand
What you are doing
And thinking
And wearing

A slice of cool fruit
Against my lips
Biting into it
The tang is awash in my mouth
I sigh in delight
As it brings me back to you
And that first brush
Against your lips
So soft
So warm

The tingle that rushed over me
Tasting your kiss
That first time
Arresting my senses
Penetratingly sharp
Like the flooding
Bite of citrus
That makes me stop now
And savor

~TigressSky and Jeremy Tucker~

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