Monday, January 24, 2011

Next to you

I lay in your bed
awake before you
your head gently cradled
in my arm
as you lay next to me.
My eyes trace the profile
of your generous curves
moving from your dark lovely locks
along the nape of your neck
up to the soft white peak
of your small shoulder
down to the luscious valley
of your waist
lingering briefly
before eagerly sliding up
to the beckoning round fullness
of your hip
and finally falling down
the length of your leg.
I think of a million reasons
I shouldn't be here
with you
of all the differences
the seemingly vast chasm
our souls
I wonder
what you see in me
when you know so little
of me
I imagine that you see
all that you found good
in every former lover
and none of what you found bad
and I know that you are wrong.
Then I remember
as I wrap myself around you
pulling you close
All of these thoughts mean nothing
as I cant deny
how I feel
waking up
when you're next to me
as if nothing else
even existed
let alone mattered
there is only
and now
this beautiful

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